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Pastor Bruce's Message
December 18, 2024

In Jesus Gods Says

​​John 1: 14 KJV “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us.”


William Barclay is convinced that the whole of John’s Gospel revolves around this one verse. Before this, Jesus is described as a creative, compelling and dynamic word. Yesterday’s reading mentioned God being “down to earth.” That earthiness comes from putting on skin. Instead of wearing heaven’s finest, God dons human skin. The Word becomes incarnate or “enfleshed.” I once heard a story about a Grandmother who was determined to see that her grandson attended Sunday School. She went to his house picked him up, dropped him off and then went to worship. One Sunday, anxious to hear how it was going she asked, “How did it go this morning, what did you learn?” After a few seconds of furrowed brow thoughtfulness, he replied, “Grandma, what’s so great about Jesus?”


“What IS so great about Jesus?” It’s a question worth asking. Part of the answer is supplied by Christmas. By putting on flesh and living with us, God becomes approachable and relatable. By beginning in the most humble place, God gives entrée to all of humanity. Like the little girl quivering through a thunderstorm in the middle of the night, we want a parent with skin on. Most, if not all of the world’s greatest people are approachable – they have skin on. Abraham Lincoln, Desmond Tutu, Mother Teresa – all of these great people made others know that they cared about them.


Today God, in Jesus, says, “I know, and I care.” Our world can be dark – the star brings great light. Our world can be war-like – the child brings true peace. When I am a stranger to my best self and so caught up in gloom I can’t see the sun or feel its warmth, it brings great comfort for me to remember that, “The Word became flesh and lives among us.”



Thank you, Lord, for a love that passes all human standards. Thank you for coming from highest heaven to one of the lowest points on earth – my own valley. Live in my world and be born in the manger of my heart. Amen.

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